Use to calculate the total number of Malarone (250/100) tablets required for your adult (>40kg) patient's trip.
The recommended dosage in adults for prophylaxis is one Malarone tablet (250/100) daily.
Input the date the patient enters and leaves the malaria-endemic area. The daily dose should be taken with food or milky drink at the same time each day. In the event of vomiting (within 1 hour of dosing), a repeat dose should be taken.
This tool is intended to assist healthcare professionals with calculating adult dosage recommendations for Malarone, based on one Malarone tablet (250/100) daily.
Select date of entry to malarious area
Select date leaving malarious area
Begin taking tablets 1 to 2 days prior to entering malarious area.
Take first tablet:
Continue taking 1 tablet per day whilst in malarious area
XX days
Stop taking tablets 7 days after leaving malarious area.
Take final dose on:
Packs of Malarone required
(24 tablets per pack)Total number of tablets needed
Duration that patient would be taking Malarone1-3