Anoro Ellipta 20 mcg
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Combined hepatitis A (inactivated) and hepatitis B (recombinant) vaccine

Anoro Ellipta 20 mcg
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Combined hepatitis A (inactivated) and hepatitis B (recombinant) vaccine
This page is for Healthcare Professionals only. If you are not a Healthcare Professional, please visit Twinrix.ca.
TWINRIX is indicated for active immunization against hepatitis A and hepatitis B virus infection in adults, adolescents, children and infants.
TWINRIX will not protect against infection caused by other agents such as hepatitis C, hepatitis E and other pathogens known to infect the liver. It can be expected that hepatitis D will also be prevented by immunization with TWINRIX as hepatitis D (caused by the delta agent) does not occur in the absence of hepatitis B infection. 1
TWINRIX is indicated for active immunization against hepatitis A and hepatitis B virus infection in adults, adolescents, children and infants.
Adults: Side effects that occurred during clinical trials with the standard (3-dose) and rapid (4-dose) TWINRIX vaccination schedule were as follows:‡
Very common (more than 10% of doses): headache, pain and redness at the injection site, and fatigue.
Common (1%-10% of doses): diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, swelling at the injection site, injection site reaction, and malaise.
Uncommon (0.1%-1% of doses): upper respiratory tract infection, dizziness, myalgia, fever (≥37.5°C).
Rare (0.01%-0.1% of doses): lymphadenopathy, decreased appetite, hypoesthesia, paresthesia, hypotension, rash, pruritus, arthralgia, influenza-like illness, chills.
Very Rare (<0.01% of doses): urticaria.
Pediatrics: Side effects that occurred during clinical trials with the standard (3-dose) TWINRIX Junior vaccination schedule were as follows:
Very common (more than 10% of doses): pain and redness at the injection site.
Common (1%-10% of doses): appetite loss, irritability, drowsiness, headache, nausea, diarrhea‡, vomiting, swelling at the injection site, injection site reaction, fatigue, malaise, and fever (≥37.5˚C).
Uncommon (0.1%-1% of doses): rash.
Rare (0.01%-0.1% of doses): lymphadenopathy, dizziness, urticaria.
Very Rare (<0.01% of doses)*: paresthesia‡, hypoesthesia‡, hypotension‡, pruritus‡, myalgia‡, arthralgia‡, influenza-like illness‡, chills‡.
Please consult the Product Monograph at www.gsk.ca/twinrix/pm for important information relating to adverse reactions, drug interactions, dosing and administration information which has not been discussed in this piece. To request a Product Monograph, or to report an adverse event please call 1‑800-387-7374.
* TWINRIX is not indicated to treat the clinical features or prevent the consequences of hepatitis A and B.
† TWINRIX is not indicated to reduce transmission of hepatitis A and B.
‡ Observed in clinical trials with TWINRIX.