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Molecular characterisation of EC: video presentation

Dr. Anna George provides insight into the current understanding of EC molecular classification and the importance of molecular testing in predicting patient prognosis

Dr George dostarlimab case study: video presentation

Dr. Angela George presents a clinical case study of a 42-year-old woman with advanced EC with heavy PV bleeding, historically indicating mixed serous and clear cell tumour.

MMR/MSI testing and IOs in EC: video presentation

Dr. Anna Oaknin presents a session on the emerging role of immunotherapy in the treatment of EC. The session examines how checkpoint inhibitors may be a therapy option in women with recurrent/advanced Dmmr/MSI-H EC.

Dr Oaknin dostarlimab case study: video presentation

Dr. Anna Oaknin presents a clinical case of a 66-year-old-female diagnosed with a FIGO Stage 1A grade 2 endometroid carcinoma type 1., reviewing treatment decisions and highlighting patient outcomes