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Checking the HCP database

Please wait a moment whilst we check your details against our database of Healthcare professionals.


Registering for GSKpro

Why do we need your professional details?

Before we can give you full access to our portal, we need to verify your details against our database of healthcare professionals. The information in the database is provided by a third party.


What if we cannot verify your details?

If we cannot verify you automatically, it might be because we don't have a record of you.


If that’s the case, we’ll need a few more details from you so our research team can find you in a third party national database. This research process may take up to two weeks to complete.


During this period, you will have temporary access to GSKpro but we will not be able to process any orders from you until you are verified.


Having trouble registering?

Contact us

How do we use your information?

We use your personal information to run our business and provide you with our services. This includes providing you with information (including marketing communications) through your selected channels, and personalising the content of our digital platforms to match your user profile or preferences. You can find more information about the information that we process about you, how we use your information and any rights you may have, here: Privacy Statement.

  • Create account
  • Professional verification
  • Confirmation

Register for GSKpro

You’re only a minute away from getting access to…

  • Free patient resources including samples and demo devices
  • Exclusive webinars on the topics that matter to you
  • Updates on the latest in respiratory and more