DRY RUN - Act against AMR: Managing UTI with the Latest Susceptibility data
Act against AMR: Managing UTI with the Latest Susceptibility data
This webinar talks about common epidemiology of UTI, its prevalence amongst women and how a proper guideline-treatment plan helps combat antimicrobial resistance in patients.
Nucala is now approved in 4 indications in Saudi Arabia and the objective of the meeting is to raise Saudi HCPs awareness about the management of Eosinophilic Driven Diseases

Jeff J. Jubilado, MD
Present roles: Chief of Clinics & Department Chair (Surgery) -- Assumption Specialty Hospital and Medical Center ** Department Chair (Surgery) -- Pasig Doctors Medical Center. ** Department Chair (Urology) -- Marikina Valley Medical Center. ** Section Head (Urology) -- Marikina Doctors Hospital and Medical Center. ** Member American Urological Association European Association of Urology Urological Association of Asia ** Medical Affairs Manager (Urology) -- GSK Philippines

Allan Dexter M. Alejo, MD
Medical Affairs Manager -- Anti-infectives and Dermatology, GSK Philippines.** Doctor of Medicine -- UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. ** Residency in Dermatology -- Skin and Cancer Foundation, Inc. ** Diplomate -- Philippine Dermatological Society.