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Useful HCP ResourcesGo to Close Top

Access downloadable resources relating to GSK vaccines, travel health and vaccination in general. 

Meningococcal ACWY certificate

The Meningococcal ACWY certificate of vaccination (PDF - 340KB) can be used for patients requiring proof of vaccination against meningococcal A, C, W135 and Y.

(Click on image to download PDF)

Travel Health Vaccines Dosing Schedule

This leaflet outlines the range of vaccines and dosage schedules which GSK offers in their travel health portfolio.

(Click on image to download PDF)

Travel Health Advice Sheet

Help prepare your patients for travel with this two-page leave-piece about the risks associated with travel and the precautions which can be taken to prevent illness and injury abroad.

(Click on the image to download PDF)

UK Immunisation Schedule (as of May 2014) – Preschool Years

This poster explains the UK immunisation schedule as of May 2014 for preschool years. It includes information about when the Rotavirus oral vaccine should be given.

(Click on the image to download PDF)

Rotavirus Oral Vaccine Administration Leaflet

(Rotavuris vaccine, live)

This administration leaflet is to be used by HCPs involved in the UK Rotarix Programme. This leaflet gives a visual step by step guide on how to prepare and administer the rotavirus vaccine.

(Click on the image to download PDF)

Infanrix-IPV+Hib Reconstitution Guide

Diptheria, tetanus, pertussis (acellular component), ploiomyelitis (inactivated) and Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine (absorded)

A five-step guide describing how to reconstitute and administer the Infanrix-IPV+Hib vaccine.

(Click on the image to download PDF)

GSK Vaccines Slides

Our GSK Vaccines Slides cover a range of topics regarding vaccination and can be used as an informative, interesting and valuable resource for your practice.

Webcasts and Videos

Watch our Expert Perspectives: Webcasts and Videos and listen to leaders in the vaccines field share their views on the vaccination process and vaccination in general.

Prescribing information

Rotarix Prescribing Information

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