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GSK Vaccines SlidesGo to Close Top

Here, you can browse slides which cover a range of topics regarding vaccination. These slides can be used as an informative, interesting and valuable resource for your practice. Click the thumbnail in the left column to view the slides.


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Travel Health

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A’s epidemiology and clinical picture, how to recognise at-risk travellers, the efficacy and safety of Hepatitis A vaccines and the benefits of combination vaccines.

Travel Health

Reimbursement (England & Wales)

Recognising which travel vaccinations are to be given on the NHS and which should be charged for privately, including understanding when the Hepatitis B vaccine should and should not be charged for and the process of reimbursement.

Travel Health

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B’s global prevalence and burden, the travel-associated risks of Hepatitis B transmission, current guidance on vaccination against Hepatitis B for travellers and Hepatitis B vaccines which are available for travellers.

Travel Health

Risk Assessment

Identifying high-risk travellers, recognising travel-related risks and raising awareness of travel health related risks and their prevention, as well as good practice in travel health consultations and record keeping.

Travel Health


The global prevalence and life cycle of malaria; prevention, chemoprophylaxis, and emergency treatment; how to identify high-risk travellers and how to choose the appropriate preventative strategy against malaria.

Travel Health



The epidemiology, transmission, prevalence, and clinical manifestations of’ meningococcal meningitis; travellers at risk of contracting meningococcal meningitis and how it can be prevented.