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GSK expert recommended sessions at ERS 2022

With more than 400 sessions at the ERS 2022 congress, GSK has asked two experts in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma, to review the whole programme and recommend standout sessions in their fields.

Peter Howarth

Professor Peter Howarth’s recommended sessions for asthma

Peter Howarth is the Global Clinical Scientific Lead at GSK, UK, and Professor Emeritus of Allergy and Respiratory Medicine at the University of Southampton, UK, where he still has ongoing research related to severe asthma.

Sunday 4 September

Monday 5 September  

Tuesday 6 September

Paul Jones

Professor Paul Jones’ recommended sessions for COPD

Paul Jones is Emeritus Professor of Respiratory Medicine at St George’s University of London. He was Head of the Division of Clinical Science at St George’s and a Global Medical Expert for GSK. 

His research now focusses on the effects of lung disease, including COVID-19, on brain microstructure and large cohort studies of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in China and Japan 

Sunday 4 September

Monday 5 September

Tuesday 6 September

GSK sponsored website 

UA Agosto 2022: NP-ES-CAU-WCNT-220001(v1)