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Patient profile

Meet Gabrielle

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I’ve got used to often being short of breath, so I no longer go for my morning walks

Age: 56 years

FEV1 predicted: 63%

mMRC: 2


Current treatment: As-needed short-acting β2agonist (SABA)

Gabrielle was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) one year ago. Despite taking a SABA, she remains symptomatic.

For information on assessing your breathless patient, click here.

Continued breathlessness on exertion is proven to compromise patients’ daily life

  • 70%–74% of patients with mild or moderate breathlessness experience limitations in routine activities, such as walking to the shops 1
  • COPD may eventually limit patient mobility both inside and outside of the home, and is associated with feelings of panic, anxiety and depression 23
  • Around 40% of patients are forced to retire early due to their symptoms 4


Incruse Ellipta (umeclidinium) is indicated as a maintenance bronchodilator treatment to relieve symptoms in adult patients with COPD. 4

For more information on treating your patient who is already receiving maintenance therapy for their COPD but remains symptomatic, click here.


  1. Jones PW et al. Respir Med 2011; 105:57–66.
  2. Price D et al. Prim Care Respir J 2005; 14:285–293.
  3. Jolley CJ & Moxham J. Eur Respir Rev 2009; 18:66–79.
  4. Fletcher MJ et al. BMC Public Health 2011; 11:612.
  5. Incruse Ellipta SmPC, 2017.

INCRUSE™ ™ y ELLIPTA™ Instructivo son marcas registradas del grupo de compañías GlaxoSmithKline