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TRIUMEQ Has Few Significant DDIs 1

Commonly used medications  Interactions 
Oral contraceptives  No 
H2-antagonists (including ranitidine, cimetidine)  No 
Hepatitis C protease inhibitors (telaprevir, boceprevir)  No 
Prednisone  No 
Rifabutin  No 
Methadone  Dosing adjustment likely not needed for most patients 
Metformin  Close monitoring is recommended when starting or stopping TRIUMEQ and metformin together as a dose adjustment may be needed for metformin 
Multivitamins, calcium supplements, iron supplements  TRIUMEQ is recommended to be administered 2 hours before or 6 hours after taking these agents 
Magnesium/aluminium-containing antacids  TRIUMEQ is recommended to be administered 2 hours before or 6 hours after taking these agents 
Rifampicin, efavirenz, nevirapine, and tipranavir/r  Since the recommended dose of dolutegravir is 50 mg twice daily when co-administered with these agents, the use of TRIUMEQ is not recommended for patients taking these medicines 
  • Co-administration with dofetilide is contraindicated 1
  • Co-administration with oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, or St John’s Wort should be avoided because there are insufficient data to make dosing recommendations 1
  • Co-administration with etravirine is not recommended unless patient is also receiving atazanavir/r, lopinavir/r or darunavir/r 1

Dolutegravir is eliminated primarily by UGT1A1. Abacavir and lamivudine are not significantly metabolised by CYP enzymes. 1

For further information, please see the Summary of Product Characteristics. 

DDIs=drug-drug interactions.


  1. TRIUMEQ Summary of Product Characteristics.

son marcas registradas del grupo de compañías ViiV Healthcare