Efficacy data for SHINGRIX
Vaccine efficacy profile was studied in subjects ≥50 years old (ZOE-50) and subjects ≥70 years old (ZOE-70).3
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She feels healthy, but she’s still at risk.
Who are the people in Jennifer’s life?
She eats healthy, walks every day, and runs a few times a week
Medical history:
No current medical issues, varicella infection during childhood
Interaction with HCP:
Diligent about annual physicals and is proactive in discussing lifestyle changes to help keep herself healthy
Recommendation opportunity:
During preventative health screening or routine check-up
Recommend SHINGRIX because:
She is at risk for developing shingles and eligible for vaccination1,3
HCP = healthcare professional.
He is getting older but prioritizes work over his health.
Who are the people in Sanjay’s life?
Doesn’t exercise enough and has gotten less mobile with age
Medical history:
Cardiovascular disease, varicella infection during childhood, vaccinated with Zostavax® 5 years ago
Interaction with HCP:
Doesn’t always prioritize his health and sometimes misses appointments
Recommendation opportunity:
During preventative health screening or routine check-up
Recommend SHINGRIX because:
He is eligible for vaccination1,3
He’s retired, but he’s just getting started.
Who are the people in John’s life?
Keeps his weight down and lives healthily, his dogs get him out of the house
Medical history:
Type 2 diabetes, varicella infection during childhood
Interaction with HCP:
Goes a few times a year to review his A1C levels and is more diligent about keeping his weight down and staying healthy
Recommendation opportunity:
During his appointment to get his seasonal influenza vaccine
Recommend SHINGRIX because:
He is at risk for developing shingles and eligible for vaccination1,3
He always prioritizes taking care of others over himself.
Who is in Karl’s life?
He does not eat a healthy diet and is usually too busy to exercise
Medical history:
COPD, varicella infection during childhood
Interaction with HCP:
Reluctant about doctor visits outside of occasional COPD check-ups
Recommendation opportunity:
During his COPD check-up
Recommend SHINGRIX because:
He is at risk for developing shingles and eligible for vaccination1,3
COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Not actual patients or quotes.
Based on Canadian market research conducted by IPSOS in 2019:
of respondents* ranked their healthcare provider’s recommendation among the main drivers when deciding to vaccinate.4
* The sample reflects a representative sampling of n=800 Canadians aged 50–70 years who are aware of the condition of shingles and agreed to participate in the online survey.
of respondents† said they didn’t receive a HZ vaccine, as they assumed their healthcare provider would bring it up if they needed it. An additional 19% of these same patients stated they did not receive a HZ vaccine, as their healthcare provider didn’t recommend the vaccine.4
† The sample reflects a representative sampling of n=546 Canadians aged 50–70 years who are aware of the condition of shingles, have not yet been vaccinated and do not have immediate plans to do so, and that agreed to participate in the online survey.
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10572 | 05/24