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All imagery shown depicts hypothetical patients only.
Hypersensitivity to the active substances or to any of the excipients.
Special warnings and precautions:
Haematologic adverse reactions (thrombocytopenia, anaemia, neutropenia) have been reported. Discontinue if a patient develops severe persistent haematologic toxicity including pancytopenia that does not resolve within 28 days following interruption.
Use with caution in patients on anticoagulants and medicinal products known to reduce the thrombocyte count hypertension, hepatic impairment.
Should not be used during pregnancy.
Adverse Events:
Very common: Urinary Tract Infections, thrombocytopenia, anaemia, neutropenia, leukopenia, decreased appetite, insomnia.
Please refer to the local prescribing information for a more detailed safety information.
1L, first-line; FIGO, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
For more information, please refer to the prescribing information or contact GlaxoSmithKline via
To report Adverse Event/s associated with the use of GSK product/s, please contact us via
To report quality complaint/s associated with the use of GSK product/s, please contact us via
Department of Pharmacovigilance & Drug Information |
دائرة التيقظ و المعلومات الدوائية مركز سلامة الدواء وزارة الصحة, سلطنة عمان هاتف: 0096822357687 / 0096822357690 0096822358489 :فاكس :البريد االكتروني : الموقع االكتروني |
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PM-RCH-NRP-SRCH-240001 | August 2024