See Anoro Ellipta’s head-to-head data
Anoro Ellipta is the only LAMA/LABA with head-to-head data vs. a LAMA2-5 and vs. two LAMA/LABAs.6 7
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as first-line maintenance bronchodilator therapy for your symptomatic adult COPD patients
This is a fictional patient for illustrative purposes.
Anoro Ellipta is indicated as a once-daily maintenance bronchodilator treatment to relieve symptoms in adult patients with COPD.1
He is a 62-year-old COPD patient being treated with a short-acting bronchodilator agonist therapy (SABA) as required, but is not yet on a maintenance therapy.
Robert is starting to struggle with climbing stairs and doing household chores. He now watches television instead of going for long walks outside, or dancing with his wife.
Fictional patient for illustrative purposes
Adverse events should be reported directly to the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) on their website: . Adverse events should also be reported to GlaxoSmithKline on 1800 244 255.
Anoro is a registered trademark of the GlaxoSmithKline group of companies.
PM-IE-UCV-WCNT-240002 March 2024