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Relvar 25% more patients improve Asthma control vs. other ICS/LABAs in everyday practice 12

  • With Relvar, significantly more patients saw an improvement in ACT score ≥3 or a total score ≥20 (70% vs 56%)* 1

What could improved asthma control mean to your patients? Fewer night-time awakenings or shortness of breath. A more active life with fewer limitations from asthma.1

RELVAR molecules and efficacy animation video


    Could Relvar help your patients in their everyday lives?

    Relvar shows greater improvements across all 5 ACT components vs. other ICS/LABAs** 2

    Adapted from Bernstein DI et al. 2015. FEV: Forced expiratory volume

    How important is asthma control in helping your patients in a 24-hour world?

    When patients improve their ACT scores, they feel better, have less activity limitations and less symptoms day and night 2


    Relvar 27% more patients improve quality of life vs. other ICS/LABAs in everyday practice

    Relvar - superior vs. other ICS/LABAs in helping more patients in everyday clinical practice improve their quality of life† 2

    • With Relvar, significantly more patients saw an improvement in AQLQ score at 12 months, with an increase from baseline of ≥0.5 units (56% vs 44%) — 27% more patients had an improved quality of life vs. ICS/LABAs 1

    Relvar was superior across all domains of the AQLQ vs. other ICS/LABAs 2

    Adapted from Bernstein DI et al. 2015. FEV: Forced expiratory volume


See how Relvar is designed for effectiveness


*The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients who achieved an improvement in ACT score from baseline of ≥3 or a total ACT score of ≥20, in patients in the PEA population initiated on Relvar vs. continuing on usual care at 24 weeks. The primary endpoint was met (p<0.001). Data presented are from a subset of patients prescribed ICS/LABA at baseline who were initiated on Relvar or continued on their ICS/LABA: 25% relative difference in responders; 14% absolute difference. 

In this study there was no difference in serious adverse events reported between Relvar and usual care. The most common serious adverse events of special interest were cardiovascular disease, asthma and bronchospasm, and pneumonia

** Statistical analysis was not performed on the individual questions of the ACT.

†Quality of life was measured by the Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire at 12 months, a clinically meaningful improvement is defined as an increase from baseline of ≥0.5 units. 13Data presented are from a subset of patients in the ITT population prescribed ICS/LABA at baseline who were initiated with Relvar or continued on their existing ICS/LABA: 27% relative difference in responders; 12% absolute difference.

‡Analysis of the environmental stimuli domain was pre-planned.

§Data presented from a post-hoc analysis.

Relvar Ellipta is indicated for the maintenance treatment of asthma.

The recommended dose of Relvar Ellipta is:
One inhalation of Relvar Ellipta 100/25 micrograms once daily or

One inhalation of Relvar Ellipta 200/25 micrograms once daily

Safety Information:
Contraindications: Relvar Ellipta is contraindicated in patients with severe milk-protein allergy or who have demonstrated hypersensitivity to either fluticasone furoate, vilanterol or any of the excipients.

Warnings and Precautions:

Relvar Ellipta should not be used to treat acute asthma symptoms or an acute exacerbation in COPD, for which a short-acting bronchodilator is required. Increasing use of short-acting bronchodilators to relieve symptoms indicates deterioration of control and patients should be reviewed by a physician.
Adverse Reactions: Very common: Headache, Nasopharyngitis. 


  1. Woodcock A et al. Lancet 2017; 390:2247–2255.
  2. Svedsater H et al. Respir Med 2018; 141:198–206.
  3. Juniper EF et al. J Clin Epidemiol 1994; 47:81–87.
  4. Local Relvar Prescribing Information based on GDS 10.

Relvar Ellipta was developed in collaboration with INNOVIVA

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