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March 2018

CROI 2018—Safety and efficacy of dolutegravir-based ART and efavirenz-based ART in TB/HIV co-infected adults at Week 24 1

Effectiveness of dolutegravir or efavirenz in combination with 2 NRTIs in HIV/TB co-infected adults receiving rifampin-based TB therapy

Authors: Dooley KE, Kaplan R, Mwelase T, et al

  • Ongoing Phase IIIb, non-comparative, active-control, randomised open-label study
  • DTG 50 mg twice daily shown to be effective and well tolerated in ART-naïve HIV/TB co-infected adults receiving RIF-based TB therapy
  • Of 113 subjects, 69 were randomised to DTG and 44 to EFV
  • Week 24: HIV-1 RNA <50 c/mL was 81% (n=56) in the DTG arm and 89% (n=39) in EFV arm
  • DTG response rate driven by non–treatment-related Snapshot failures:
    • 5 participants (7%) in the DTG arm and 0 in the EFV arm discontinued due to non–treatment-related reasons
  • No subjects discontinued due to immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) or liver events, while TB-associated rates of IRIS were low (DTG, n=4 [6%]; EFV, n=4 [9%])

Access the full abstract here.

…DTG 50 mg twice daily shown to be effective and well tolerated in HIV/TB co-infected adults receiving RIF-based TB therapy.



  1. Dooley KE, Kaplan R, Mwelase T, et al. Safety and efficacy of dolutegravir-based art in TB/HIV co-infected adults at week 24. Presented at: Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections; March 4-7, 2018; Boston, MA.