Find codes for a GSK vaccine
This information is limited in scope. It is not a comprehensive guide to reimbursement and billing. Your office must already possess, or must obtain, a strong foundation and understanding of the requirements which will vary between different payers. This may include knowledge of payer-specific procedures and protocols, staff training and refresher training to stay current with changes, as well as a compliance program for your office. This site is not intended to direct the use of specific vaccine products for individual patients. Only a trained medical professional using professional judgment and clinical skills can make the informed decision regarding when to administer a specific vaccine to a particular patient.
We hope you find this site easy to use and follow as a starting point and an informative resource in your practice. For specific questions related to any of the GSK vaccine products identified on this site, please refer to the full Prescribing Information for the product.
Please note that this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as comprehensive training on medical billing and coding. Additional training on medical coding may be required. The information on this website is believed to be accurate as of the date of publication. Users should independently verify accuracy.
Healthcare providers are responsible for making the ultimate decision on when to use a specific product based on clinical recommendations and how to bill for products and related services rendered. Consult third-party insurers' guidelines for specific information regarding the billing and reporting of services rendered.