Meningitis video testimonials

Hear from healthcare professionals around the world who have encountered, diagnosed or treated meningitis first-hand.

Episode 1: Dr. Christine McKiernan, a US Intensive Care Unit Doctor, explains the emotional impact of seeing meningitis cases on her entire nursing team.

Episode 2: Dr. Lucia Bertrand, a Spanish paediatrician and meningitis survivor, describes the impact of seeing a severe case of meningitis in practice.

Episode 3: Dr. Lucia Bertrand, a Spanish paediatrician, shares the added, personal impact of meningitis on healthcare professionals who also are parents.

Episode 4: Dr. Michael Horn, a German paediatrician, who has seen meningitis cases, describes the added worry this brings to healthcare professionals every flu season.

Episode 5: Dr. Michael Horn, a German paediatrician, describes a common perception in healthcare professionals who may not have experienced meningitis.

Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at or search for MHRA Yellowcard in the Google Play or Apple App store. Adverse events should also be reported to GlaxoSmithKline on 0800 221 441.

November 2023 PM-GB-GVX-WCNT-190002 (V4.0)